Saturday, August 28, 2010

Oooooh...That Smell....

We had our bedroom windows open last night because it was so nice.

At one point, I woke up and smelled something funny.  At first I thought it smelled like the toaster oven might be burning.  (Please keep in mind that I was still in a sleepy haze....)

I got up out of bed and started sniffing around.  Lew woke up and asked me what I was doing.  I asked him about the smell.  He said, "Skunk."

Of course!

I got back into bed and started to wonder about skunks and where they live, and why I have to smell one in the middle of an otherwise lovely night.

I went to work for a few hours this morning, and I saw the skunk.

In the road.

Totally squished.

I would say "Poor Skunk" if I really felt that way.

1 comment:

Kathy said...

Gordon knows a song called Dead Skunk in the Middle of the Road and this summer when Aunt Debbie and I were traveling we heard it on the radio. (The oldies Station) If you ever want to hear it I'm sure Gordon would love to share it with you.