Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Much Better Mood Day

I slept like a rock last night.

I exercised this morning, which felt good.

I got a lot accomplished at work.

Lew took me to Old Orchard Beach for a dinner of "pie and fry," which is our term for Bill's Pizza and Pier Fries. The actual name of the Pier Fries place is "Original Pier Fries." It's not on the pier.

We are now going to watch this week's American Idol shows. I already know the results, because I listened to "Eva, the Entertainment Diva" on the radio this morning while I was making the bed. Eva gives me the "show biz scoop."

Tomorrow is Friday!

Yes, I'm in a much better mood today.

1 comment:

Kim said...

YAY! I hope the weekend gives you lots of fun too! What a great hubby!