Monday, December 29, 2014

Orcs and Cats

Orcs. Lew and I went to see The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies on Saturday with our friends. We saw it in IMAX 3D. I'm glad that we paid more to see this movie in 3D, because I don't think I would have enjoyed it at all in the regular theater. There was not much of a plot - just lots of fighting - so the 3D aspect at least added some interest. As I watched the movie, I tried to figure out the five armies: dwarves, elves, humans, orcs (two armies of orcs!), eagles, a smaller band of dwarves, a hobbit - does Bilbo count as his own army of one? That's more than five, so I obviously didn't grasp the meaning of "army" for this movie.... Did I mention there was lots of fighting?
Cats. Photos and videos of cats are all over social media. Regular readers of my blog know that I sometimes post about my own cats, especially when they misbehave. My Aunt Debbie sent me an interesting news clipping last week - a pet advice column on clicker training cats and what rewards work best. I don't know if I could use clicker training with Jerry and Kurt because they already have us trained! (They meow, we deliver!!!) But maybe I should try.... Hmmm....

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