Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Dad 230: A Bold Bowl Prediction

(I'm still trying to get my iPad to recognize the word "Derf" when I dictate. Today's transcription of "Derf" is not repeatable. Oh, dear! I think I'll just type out that word from now on. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)
Derf Here! Well, the weather experts were correct. Woke up this morning to a trace of snow and freezing rain. Lots of closings and delays in the area. Listened to Lew scraping the ice off his truck. The sounds and scenes of winter are all around us today. A good day to stay inside. Think that is what I'll do. The temperature is now above freezing and melting will take place over the next few hours. I'm ready for April!
I spent a couple hours yesterday at the local Portland area Red Cross blood donation center. Completed my "double red" donations for the year. Every 16 weeks I make the trip. Well worth the effort.
The Patriots didn't play well last Sunday and still had a chance to win. The Pats will close out the season winning their last four regular-season games and then winning the playoffs to make it to the Super Bowl. All playoff games in their division will be played at home. Hope to meet Green Bay again and demolish the Packers in the "Game." Another ring for Brady! Mark my word!
Trust you all had a joyous Thanksgiving as we did. Did have to plow about 10 inches of snow Thanksgiving morning due to the storm overnight. Did I say that I'm ready for April?
Just think, Christmas is only three weeks away. Must wrap up my pre-Christmas duty soon. I really don't have that much to do. But I'll do it anyway. A few mailings. A few gift cards. A few checks and I'm done. Sounds good to me. Will be done by my next blog post. Stay tuned! Sooo....
Until next time!
Toodle Pip!

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