Tuesday, December 23, 2014

A Slow Cooker for a Slow Cooker

Lew got me a 6-quart slow cooker for Christmas. The reason I know this: I wanted a specific one, which he could not locate in any local retail stores. So he told me to go ahead and order it from Amazon.
When it arrived last week, it didn't make sense for him to wrap it and wait to give it to me on Christmas Day. The suspense was already gone, after all.
I decided I should try it out soon. So last Friday I found an easy lasagna recipe online. Then I invited some friends (our pastor's family) to join us. The lasagna date was set for last night.
After ellipticalizing (see yesterday's post), I began making the lasagna. I had already read about how to brown ground beef. (Please don't laugh.) I had already read about how to simmer. (Do I hear laughing?) Despite my advance preparation, I was still a little scared. Okay, a LOT scared.
I managed to have the completed lasagna in the slow-cooker only 15 minutes later than I'd planned. (Note to self: When the recipe says 15 minutes prep time, quadruple that for me.)
Then I needed to clean up the kitchen. I had about three "emergency" dishes and two items that I didn't even use – they were just in the way. Plus I had the dishes that I actually needed. It took me a long time to get the kitchen looking presentable again, but I did it. (Then I took a much-needed shower.)
Our guests arrived shortly after the slow cooker switched over to the "Warm" setting. The lasagna was ready! And it came out great!
To do: Find additional easy recipes for my new slow cooker.
But for today's "to do," I think I'll take a hint from my kitties!

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