Friday, March 30, 2012

Things I Didn't Do Today

Get my car washed. Lew told me a couple weeks ago that I need to take the CRV through the car wash. He's probably right. However, I only get my car washed once a year -- whether it needs it or not. And that "once a year" is always on a warm day in April. So it just isn't time yet....

See the President. Obama was in Maine today. I wasn't on his invite list for some reason. (Maybe because of the "R" after my name?)

My exercise workout. I did my workout three days this week -- Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. On Wednesday I did some housework which gave me plenty of exercise. I planned on working out today, but my leg muscles were still sore. It's a funny thing: My body doesn't recover as quickly as it used to, say, 25 years ago. What's THAT about?

Other things that I didn't do today:
  • Play the accordion
  • Throw a discus
  • Go disco dancing
  • Cook a gourmet meal
  • Try out for a Broadway musical
  • Spend much time thinking about my blog


Beth said...

Gee, there were a lot of things I did not do today too. Must be going around.

Beth said...

I meant yesterday.