Thursday, April 28, 2016

My Music Project

About three and a half weeks ago I subscribed to Amazon's digital music service. I wanted to have all of my music "in the cloud" so I could listen to it on my iPhone, so Lew could listen to it on his Kindle Fire, and so we could listen to it on our Amazon Echo.

I then started to get all of my music uploaded. At first I thought I could just select the music folder on my PC and upload it all at once.

Silly me.

Problem number one: I had too much music to upload all at once. It got hung up. So I had to find a way to keep track of what still needed to be uploaded.

Problem number two: Albums that had various artists were uploading as multiple albums. I wanted a one-to-one correspondence. I had to figure out how to organize album songs in my iTunes library so they would upload as part of the same album.

Problem number three: Some of my albums were already "in the cloud" because I had purchased the music from Amazon. I didn't want to duplicate songs. So I first had to identify and track what was already there.

Problem number four: Look up "O.C.D." in the dictionary and there will be a picture of me....

I ended up creating a truly amazing Google spreadsheet to track each album, the number of songs, and what had been uploaded. This spreadsheet is a thing of beauty. It is one of my better efforts.

Anyway, I spent every spare moment I had to get my music uploaded.

It only took me three weeks.

Lew and I have been enjoying the results of my efforts, so the project was a success.

And I sort of miss the project... but not that much.

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