Saturday, April 9, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Saturday

(Lew can also add "write for the blog" to his list. Enjoy his post! ~ Tracy)

For as long as I can remember, Saturday has been my favorite day of the week.

Of course when I was a kid it was because there was no school, and as an adult I’ve always had a job that did not require work on that day. (For many years my job did require Sunday work).

But more than that, Saturday is a day when things happen.

Today, for example, my son called and asked if we could watch our youngest grandson Adam for a while. Not planned, but a pleasant surprise.

Also, I was working in the yard and our neighbors with their two small children came over to visit. We haven’t seen them in a while and the kids came running to me for hugs.

This is all after breakfast with friends this morning.

As a Christian man I could say that Sunday is my favorite day of the week, but to be honest it is still in second place.

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