Saturday, April 23, 2016

Lew's Logbook: Aching Back

(I think I may start referring to my husband as "Landscaper Lew." Enjoy his post!  ~  Tracy)

My aching back....

My latest project involved digging up some turf next to our wheelchair ramp and putting down some crushed stone.

It’s nice to get some things done that have been on my “to do” list for a while, but I’m finding that the spirit is willing but the body raises some objections.

I keep forgetting that I’m 67 years old. Can’t seem to wrap my mind around that.

Anyway, the secret is to rest. After a day of hard work, I take a day to rest, hang out with the cats, and log some time in my recliner.

The projects will get done in time. No rush.

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