Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Dad 122: Election 2012 (The Day After)

(I asked Dad to keep his post short today, and he complied!  I agree with his sentiments.  I would add that our TRUE hope is in the Lord, and I know Dad would agree.  May God have mercy on us.  -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  Awaiting a nor'easter if the experts are correct.  Bring it on, I'm ready.  The day after the election and I won nothing.  I'm sad!!

The past couple days I've seen hate directed at daughter Deb for posting a Bible study on Facebook.  (The subject:  same-sex marriage.)  I heard an ex-president convicted of perjury tell us we don't want a president who lies to us.  (Good show, Mr. Clinton!  I still recall the finger wave in denial.)  I witnessed a president re-elected with unpatriotic debt (his words for his predecessor) and record-setting unemployment.  (Promises broken!)

We have dumbed down.  Our only hope:  John Boehner and the house.

My conclusion:  Only in America can a president be re-elected for failure.

God Bless the USA!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


1 comment:

Sis and Aunt Jean said...

We so agree with you that last night was a sad night for our dear USA and Maine. But God has allowed it for His reasons. (Provs 3-5-6) Deb's words were so true and well put. God will bless her for that.

May the storm not be too bad. Keep the blogs coming.

Love, J & W