Sunday, November 11, 2012

Craft Show, Day 2

Working two consecutive days at a craft show tuckers a person out. I'm just a rookie, but you can take my word for it! But it was a lot of fun. :)

The sale that made my day:

A lovely retirement-age couple stopped at our table. The wife really liked a certain necklace. As they walked away, I continued to make eye contact with the husband. He mouthed, "How much?" After I responded he said he'd think about it.

Several minutes later he came back (alone) and bought the necklace for his wife. His alibi: the men's room.

When this same couple returned to our table later, the wife was disappointed to see that the necklace was gone.

"Ma'am, look in your husband's pocket!"

I didn't actually say that, of course. But thinking about when she receives her gift... well, that makes me happy.

(Postscript: I'm pretty sure this couple doesn't read my blog, so I'm not spoiling the surprise. But then again, I DID give this very piece of advice in yesterday's post!)

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