Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Dad 121: Sandy, the World Series, & Those Political Ads

(The day after "The Day After." Enjoy Dad's post! --Tracy)

Derf here! The sun shone brightly this morning but we have the threat of showers for the next few days. Halloween is here, but our local police have decided to tell the trick-or-treaters to stay home tonight and go out Saturday evening instead. The storm called "Sandy" wasn't as bad as expected in our coastal area. We had severe winds causing some trees and lines to be down, but our house had not a flicker of power loss. Fortunate indeed! We lucked out!

I must admit at times our house did seem to shake occasionally as the winds were blowing. Our thoughts and prayers go out for our neighbors to our south that lost everything in the storm. The devastation witnessed on the news seems unreal. Snow in West Virginia; New York City flooded; a whole town burned (80+ homes); New Jersey absolutely destroyed. The power of Mother Nature seemed to exceed anything witnessed to date! Will the destroyed areas be rebuilt? Only time will tell. I can't imagine how I would feel if in the same predicament as those who lost everything!

Well, now to the 2012 baseball season. It is over. Thank goodness! It wasn't the result I wanted, but the San Francisco Giants were the better of the two World Series teams. The Tigers were totally outplayed as Marco Scutaro drove in the winning run. Just think, a short while ago he was playing in Fenway Park for the home team. Wait till 2015!! We'll be back! Hopefully! Maybe! It is only a game!

Are you "sick and tired" of all the political advertisements on TV? I'm watching one as I write this. I am sure glad for the remote's MUTE button. By the time I write my next post, if all goes well and there is no extension of the voting day, I'll not have to watch any more of these promotional ads. Vote for me! I'll change Washington! Don't discriminate! Vote "yes on one" for same-sex marriage! (My "no" vote has been cast.)

It has been an exciting Fall. We've witnessed an earthquake, the storm of the ages, a bad Boston sports team, birthdays for Josh, Zack and Eli (Zack's will be this coming month), and a most important election within the next week.

One last comment. I like what Jay Leno said: "Don't ask, Don't tell" is back.... It's Obama's new policy for questions about Libya.

Enough for now! Soooo....

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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