Saturday, October 20, 2012

Falling for You

We had a women's event at church tonight.  I went early to help set up for it.

At one point there were three of us up front working on the left-hand side of the platform.  I was being extra careful because of the different levels of the risers.

The extra care didn't help, I guess, because I soon found myself falling....

It was one of those moments that happens in slow motion.  You're aware that it's happening, but you can't do anything about it.

I knocked over a little speaker-type thing and almost knocked over a display that we had already prepared for the event.

Apparently there was a loud noise attached to all of this, because one of the gals thought I had banged my head.  Fortunately I hadn't.

Another gal was worried about my ankle.  It's a little stiff, but I don't think it's sprained.

So all in all, I made out okay.  But I won't be surprised if I'm a bit achy in the morning!

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