Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Dad 118: No Monkeying Around

(I've heard the following tale several times. I always like hearing it! Enjoy Dad's post. -- Tracy)

Derf here! From the "cool" Northeast. Fall is definitely in the air. The whole state expects a frost in the next couple days. Most of the state has already experienced a frost, but along the coast we have not. It will be here shortly. One last mowing coming up.

Just a quick mention about Zack's football game Saturday. Perhaps a record was set. You see, Zack's team received the opening kickoff. However, 23 seconds later the opponent was ahead 8 - 0. The game continued and the final score was 20 - 8. The 23-second score was the only one the opponent accomplished. Another "W." Josh is still injured. Hopefully he'll play this week. Only two football weekends left.

I had my memory jogged recently as I was watching one of the court shows on TV. I think it was "Judge Judy." A person had left property with a friend but failed to retrieve it in an orderly fashion. It seems two years went by with no communication. Well you can guess the result. Upon returning for her property, it was unavailable. The person storing it had done away with it. A case of abandoning property. Tough luck!

A similar incident happened to my dad many years ago. Those of you that have read my blogs, you are aware that we had several monkeys (all named Chee Chee) while growing up. Here is a tale of one of them.

A traveling salesperson stopped by Dad's store one day. Dad was a yankee trader, and was always buying, selling or trading something. Well the salesman saw the monkey and for some reason Dad sold it to him. He was to return to pick up the beast shortly. Well, almost a year to the day, the salesman returned and wanted his monkey. In the meantime, Dad had sold Chee Chee.

Now the fun begins. The salesman was not pleased. Shortly after the confrontation, a call from a local lawyer was received by Dad. It seems the man thought he was going to win the case. Well, suffice it to say the case went no further. Dad called the local veterinarian, who boarded dogs, to see what room and board for a monkey would be. The cost would have been prohibitive, even for a dog. As soon as the call back to the lawyer was made, the case ended. It was an interesting day, however. Another tale!! Life, back in the day, was quite interesting. Kind of miss the old days!

More to come next week. About what, I don't know.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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