Saturday, July 16, 2011

Spelled The Same, Different Pronunciation

A few days ago, Lew and I saw a sign on the side of the road that said, "Live Lobster."

I know that "Live" was with the long "i" sound.  But I jokingly read it out loud as "liv" -- as in rhyming with "give."

We then tried to think of other words in the English language that can have different pronunciations with the same spelling.

I can't remember all that we came up with -- too bad I didn't think to write them down!  But here's a few:

read -- current tense, past tense
lead -- be in front, what's in a pencil
bow -- after a performance, shoot an arrow (or wear in your hair)
sow -- the animal, the seed
dove -- the bird, into the water

Can you think of more???


Tracy said...

Just thought of another one!
sewer -- a seamstress, the waste system

Tracy said...

wind -- your watch, the breezy air

Tracy said...

My Aunt Jean and cousin Wendy came up with this one:

wound -- injury, wound your watch (past tense)