Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Blogger Is Reborn

Today I asked myself, "How come I haven't been taking advantage of all of the Blogger features?"  I had only done a few things before today's post:
  • Boldfaced, italicized, and underlined words
  • Linked to another web page
  • Inserted a photo
  • Inserted a video
But I had never used the bullet points -- until now!

I also had not:
  1. Used a different font
  2. Used a different font size
  3. Striked Struck through a word
  4. Used a different text color
  5. Used a different text background color
  6. Used a jump break
  7. Changed the alignment
  8. Used a numbered list
  9. Used the quote indent.
So now I'm saying to myself:
"I can't believe that I haven't been taking advantage of all of the Blogger features!  This sure is a lot of fun, and you can bet I'll be using this stuff a lot more from now on." 


I'm going to insert a jump break.

The "Read more >>>" link (that you just clicked on) is the result of inserting a jump break! 

Everything above the jump break shows on the main page of the blog.  Everything below the jump break only shows when you click on the "Read more >>>" link.



Pam Groff said...

fascinating and fun!

Anonymous said...

I love it. Can't wait for the next blog.
Kathy Morrow

P.S. Also. I love your weekly book challenge.