Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lazy Hazy Day

Lazy?  I really wasn't.  Up early.  Mom and I went for a brief walk.  Then I went for a little more of a walk on my own.

Ran an errand.

Did lots of reading.  I'm taking a self-paced online course, so I worked on that a bit, too.

Lew is working a little late tonight.  When he gets home, we'll eat egg salad sandwiches and watch the Major League Baseball All-Star Game.  (Won't be as exciting as Josh's game last night, though!)

Hazy?  Rained a couple times late in the afternoon, but everything is still hot and sticky.  Including me.  Gross.  Sometimes fans just don't help all that much.

Signing off for today with a HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to my mother (a.k.a. Derf's "Spouse")!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Josh and team and you all. Wow! That is great. A Happy Birthday to Lou as well. Indy Waldens