Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring Organizing

I followed through on what I said yesterday.  I started my spring cleaning today!  Although, I think spring organizing might be a better term for it.

I worked in the upstairs bathroom a bit.

I even did a project in the kitchen.....When we moved into this house, I put all of my cookbooks in a corner of the counter top when I unpacked them.  I was happy with this arrangement for quite a while -- over three years, in fact!

But if you are a regular reader of my blog, then you aware that I don't cook.

I finally figured out today that I was wasting counter space by storing my cookbooks on it.  So, I moved them.  They are still accessible, but they are hidden away.

And if for some reason I decide to start using my cookbooks more...well, that wouldn't be such a bad thing....

Or would it?


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