Monday, March 28, 2011

Assigned Seating

I didn't get to choose my own desk in school when I was just a wee tyke.  The teacher assigned our seating.  I believe this was an attempt to separate the more rowdy kids from each other.

I think that I may even have had teacher's who assigned our seats in high school.  I can't really remember.

Once I hit college, I usually tried to sit toward the front.  I didn't (and still don't) have great eyesight, and I also paid more attention if I was closer to the professor.  However, there were a few classes that I tried to sit toward the back, in hopes that the professor would not notice me.  Those were my "less confident of the subject matter" courses.

Last week in church, PD told the congregation that at some point during every service he takes a "mental snapshot" of the sanctuary.  Because we all tend to sit in the same place Sunday after Sunday, this "snapshot" enables him to later recall who was there and who wasn't.

He mentioned that we should all try to sit in different spots next time and try to mess him up.

So, yesterday we all took him up on that challenge!

Lew and I ended up sitting directly behind a young couple that had a baby.  (We usually sit on opposite sides of the sanctuary.)  As we were singing the closing song (which was a somewhat lively chorus), I caught the baby's attention.  By the end of the song, he was holding my finger, smiling, and looking right at me as I sang to him.

Without PD's challenge, I would have missed out on this wonderful blessing!

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