Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Dad: Unedited XXXVIII

(When my father gave me the following to type, he wondered aloud if I had heard the water story before.  I think I have, except the version I heard involved an ice cube.  Same event?  Separate incident?  Hmmm.....  Enjoy Dad's post!  -- Tracy)

Derf Here!  From the Northeast with still some snow cover -- especially where the plows have piled it up.  Maybe another week or so -- however we're scheduled for a snowy Friday.  Welcome to April Fool's Day!!

Josh's team tied (1-1) with one more game left indoors.  Kinda a no-hit boring game.  I won't mention Josh's at-bats.

During church this past Sunday I had two "jarring events" happen.  The minister said things that reminded me of old times when he used certain words.

Somehow he worked in a word that I recall Dad saying.  The minister said something about "thunk" in one of his exclamations.  This brought back memories for me as Dad used to say, "Who'da thunk it?"  This is short for, "Who would have thunk it?"  I even mentioned to the pastor on my way out that he'd reminded me of my dad's comments.  "Thunk" is a word I had not heard in years.

The pastor also mentioned the following during the children's time as well as the sermon for the day.  The children's talk and the sermon dealt with the woman at the well and quenching one's thirst.

The question was about having a thirst.  A thirst that will have to be quenched by fluids on a daily basis.  However, there is a thirst that is always quenched by the Biblical teachings.  No more fluids necessary!  That's the kind of water we all should want!

Well, as a kid I used to find myself thirsty during the night.  One day I had a brilliant idea.  We had a water cooler in our home that had pure, clear, spring water cooled to perfection.  Boy, would that be nice to have available at night without getting out of bed and travelling down the stairs for a drink.  I felt I could just take some water to bed with me and have it available whenever I felt thirsty.  My failure in having a reliable container was visible in an instant.  The container that I chose was my pajama-top pocket.  It seems that a pajama-top of sweatshirt material was not used to carry water.  This maneuver caused me to change pajamas and I, being a fast learner, never attempted to fill my pockets with water again.  Lesson learned!!

We moved from the "water pocket" house when I was in the 8th grade, but I believe it was somewhere around the age of 6 - 8 that I tried the "pocket experience."  I wanted you to realize I didn't try this as an "almost an adult."  Just trying to save face!

Don't be "April Fooled."

I'll contact you next month!  Get it?!  April!

Until next time;

Toodle Pip!


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