Monday, March 21, 2011

750 Words a Day

A few weeks ago I read about the website  It is a very useful site for people that want to write.  Unlike my blog, the writing that I do on is accessible only by me.

The site counts your words as you type.  The goal for each day is at least 750 words, which the site's creator says is about three pages.

There are incentive badges for completing your writing over so many days in a row, for writing without any distractions, for writing in the morning, etc.  The badges aren't "real" -- they just show up on your computer screen.  But they do make it more fun and keep you going!

I haven't written every day since I've signed up, but I do currently have a six-day streak going.  I get my next badge at ten days, and I really want it!  I think it's a flamingo.

On the daily statistics page, the site creator added a section about your "mindset" while writing.  It's not a scientific analysis -- it's just for fun.  I tend to fall within the following parameters:

Thinking (I think this is as opposed to "Feeling")

I actually think this is pretty accurate.  (Notice that I didn't say "feel."  Ha ha!)

Are you wondering about what I write about on

I have a book called A Writer's Book of Days (by Judy Reeves) that suggests writing prompts for each day.  I use those ideas.  Sometimes I try to make up a story based on the writing prompt.  Sometimes I just write about my own experiences and thoughts.  It all depends on the topic.

I don't edit anything that I write on  So I haven't used any of those entries for my blog.  Not yet anyway.  But maybe I will,  if I get the courage!

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