Friday, June 11, 2010

How to Celebrate a 50th Wedding Anniversary

My father is not a party guy, and my mother is usually a bundle of nerves.

Hence, today's monumentous occasion was (and will not be) celebrated with a big bash.

But, we DID celebrate!

We all went to Josh's Little League game, which went into extra innings. Grandma (my mother) got hoarse from cheering, and Papa (my father) got to be friends with some parents of boys on the opposing team.

And the game finally ended in a victory for Josh's team. Hooray!

Oh, and Dad mowed the lawn today, too. He really has a flair for celebrating.

So...Happy 50th Anniversary to the "best-est" parents in the world. I love you, Mom and Dad! I am blessed.

(Postscript: While "visiting" the porta-potty after the game, I could hear people yelling "Good Game" to various members of the team. Then, I heard my husband shout, "I got the last two hotdogs!")


Kim said...

TELL ME IT ISN'T TRUE!!! TODAY IS my PARENTS' 50TH TOO!!! We will celebrate later this summer when all the kids can be here!

Tracy said...

It's TRUE! How about that.