Monday, August 18, 2014

My Device Vice

I am writing this post on my iPad. (I use a great app called "Blogsy.") My iPad's battery percentage is currently at 18%, so I better type my little fingers off!

It seems that I am always charging the battery of some device. Obviously my iPad will be plugged in soon. I will probably have to charge my iPhone tomorrow. My Kindle will be okay for another couple days. I don't use my iPod as much as I should, so that device gets charged the least.

My laptop battery is no longer functional, thus I need to use AC power all of the time. So basically my laptop is now a desktop! I could buy a new battery, I suppose, but I don't see the need to.

Twenty years ago I had none of the above items. (Well, I did have an Apple IIGS computer, but that doesn't really count given today's technology.) How did I function without all of these things? Quite well, actually. But, oh my, how things have changed.

I am probably too dependent on (addicted to?) my devices. And many of you may be saying, "Join the club!"


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