Friday, August 22, 2014

I Don't Desire a Magic Lamp

Writing Prompt: Three Wishes.

I'm cheating on this Five-Minute Friday post. I just spent five minutes searching on the Internet for two things:

1) The title of a short-story that I once read, which came to mind because of the writing prompt -- specifically the word "wishes." I remembered the plot, but not the title nor author. Thanks to my googling skills, I found what I was looking for.

2) Once I knew the short story's title and author -- "The Bottle Imp" by Robert Louis Stevenson -- I wanted to link to it in this post. It is on the Project Gutenberg website as part of the short story collection Island Nights' Entertainments. Click HERE to read it.

I can't remember how I came across this story, but it's one that has stuck with me (despite my not recalling the title and author).

I encourage everyone to take the time to read it. I plan to do so again.

(PostScript: I feel like I've written about this story before!)

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