Friday, June 29, 2012

Impeccable Timing

I had some errands to run shortly after lunch today.  Kaelen wanted to go with me, but we needed to be done in time for her to get to work by 3:00.

Kaelen and her grandmother (a.k.a. my mother and Derf's "Spouse") wanted to take a quick walk before we headed out on our errands.  So I worked on the computer until they returned -- a little later than expected.  But Kaelen still had time, she said.

Stop at Rite Aid to buy sunscreen.... Check!

Stop at credit union to make a deposit.... Check!

Stop and pick up my new eyeglasses.... Check!

Stop at the Hannaford plaza (me to Hallmark store, Kaelen to grocery store).... Check!

(It was 2:30 as we were leaving the Hannaford plaza.  Was there still enough time to stop at Tim Horton's and get Kaelen's Iced Cap?  Of course, she said.)

Go through the drive-thru at Tim Horton's.... Check!

Stop at house (Kaelen runs inside RV, I sit waiting in car for her to come out).... Check!

Drive Kaelen to work on time.... Check!

(She was actually a couple minutes minutes early.)


I was pooped.

And I still can't believe we made it!

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