Monday, May 21, 2012

Intelligent People Only!

I had my day all planned, and it turned out to be completely different!  But that's okay.  I was able to spend unexpected time with some church friends this morning, and I was right where I needed -- and wanted -- to be.   :)

Now I'm trying to come up with a good blog post, and I admit that I'm drawing a bit of a blank.  So I have decided to employ the technique used in the story of The Emperor's New Clothes (by Hans Christian Andersen).

Only intelligent people will be able to read what follows:

Were you able to read the above?

(Postscript:  Okay, so that wasn't fair, I know.  But I'm tired!  Thanks for checking in.  G'nite!)

1 comment:

Lew said...

I could read every word and couldn't have said it better myself.