Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dad 99: Mowing, Baseball, Garden, Lacrosse....

(Dad had this post done this morning, but I couldn't get to it until now.  Next week I may try to dictate it into my iPhone.... There's an app for that!  --  Tracy)

Derf Here!  From the soggy, damp Northeast.  The holiday weekend weather was superb.  A better three days could not have been had!  Considering the storms in the Southeast, we were surely blessed!

Well, I have a few projects left to complete, but the damp weather is not conducive for the completion of them.  Can't mow the high grass until it dries out.  Should hire some grazing cattle to munch on the lower forty.  Also need to complete the new veggie garden on the front lawn.  Completed all the digging out and now must replace with landscape timbers and fill up with garden soil.  Then to transplanting some tomatoes, squash and cucumbers.  Hope to complete by the end of the first week in June.  Wow, that's only one week away.  Better "get a wiggle on."  Will do.

All are getting settled in after our trip to Illinois for Kelsey's graduation.  Kaelen is back in her summer home and busy working at the Clambake.  Keep those hours coming.  Must make money for senior year.  Work, work, work, Kaelen!  It will be over before you know it!  The motor home is happy to have its resident back.  We're happy to have Kaelen here working for her fourth summer.  Hard to believe she is in Maine for her fourth season.  Keep those checks depositing!!

In a few weeks sister Deb will be arriving from Florida by way of Indianapolis and Pittsburgh.  She takes a roundabout route from Florida to visit sister Jean (Indy) and friends in the Pittsburgh area.  Must get the cottage water on some day next week.  Not a tough task.  Don't want to do it in rainy weather.  Looking for a sunny day!

Saw Josh pitch five innings last Friday as he struck out ten.  He also picked a runner off first base.  Fielded two ground balls for assists. Thirteen of the fifteen outs accounted for.  The other two were a ground ball to second and a line drive to left field.  Did I mention he had two line drives for two runs-batted-in in the 6-0 win?!  He had a good game.  Called after six innings due to fog.  Josh's game yesterday was canceled due to rain.  Supposedly a make up game today of a previously postponed game.  Hope it clears up.  Has games scheduled every day the rest of the week.  Hope to make them all.  Topping off the week with a morning lacrosse tournament for Zack.  Must work this all in with other obligations.  It is a great time of year.  Must take advantage of all games!  Will do!

Daughter Deb just dropped in.  Found out where Josh's game is later today.  Plan to be there!

Getting almost lunch time.  Time to head out to buy some landscape timbers.  Must get busy on garden.  Time is of the essence!  Plan on mowing tomorrow.  Weather person said nice, sunny Thursday.  Will take advantage of the sunny day.  Mow, then kill some non-wanted grass!  Love Round-Up.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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