Friday, October 28, 2016

Brainstorming Costumes

The human resources director at work sent out an e-mail this week encouraging us to dress up for Halloween on Monday.  Of course, all costumes must be appropriate for the workplace, etc.

Because this is an opportunity to potentially wear jeans on a non-Friday (!), I am thinking about what I can "be" for Halloween. Here are some of my ideas so far:
Sherlock Holmes — I already have the magnifying glass and a hat that looks similar to his. 
A baby (or toddler) — This would allow me to wear warm, fuzzy P.J.s to work!  I could put my hair up into two ponytails on each side of my head. 
A debit or a credit — I am a bookkeeper, after all. But I would need my supervisor to dress up as whichever one I'm not. So it's probably too late to pull this one off. We're pretty good at coordinating our efforts, so maybe we can plan to do it next year. But it would definitely require some creativity! 
A college student — Here's where the jeans would definitely work!  :) 
A baseball player — I have a nice Red Sox jersey like the players wear. Add a ball cap, my glove, and I'm all set. (Oh, and jeans.)
A hippie — Lew could help me out with the authenticity. He is, after all, a former hippie. 
A graduate — I have a cap and gown somewhere up in the attic. Not sure I want to go up there, though!
A blanket — Our office is usually cold, so this would be a warm option.  :)
Will I dress up or not? We'll see. If I do, I will be sure to share a photo on Mainely Tracy. Stay tuned!

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