Friday, May 20, 2016

My Fabulous Front Lawn Idea

About a month ago, Lew wrote a post about his crushed rock project next to the ramp in the front of our house. (Need a refresher? Click HERE to see his post.)

What you can't see in the picture Lew shared: the rest of the front lawn. It's sort of dug up from being plowed over the winter. The way it looks doesn't bother me at all, but Lew is looking into how to restore the lawn to its former glory.

My idea is to have a bocce ball pit. It would cut down on the grass needed and would be a fun way to meet all the people who walk by our house in the summer. I have even purchased a nice, inexpensive bocce ball set from my favorite online retailer.

When I told Lew this idea he started looking at bocce ball pits online. He showed me a couple and said they were too expensive. And they were, of course. But they were also the designer, high class bocce ball pits. I am thinking we just measure out the correct distances, drive a few stakes into the ground, and call it good....

But, then again, I am also the one who doesn't care what our front lawn looks like.

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