Sunday, June 9, 2013

It's Too Easy, Really

Lew and I went for a walk when we got home from church.

As we were going out the door, my mother called out "seven": her guess for the Motorcycle Game. (My father said "zero," but that's what he always says.)

As we were approaching the point where our game begins, Lew made his guess: Ten. I said' "higher," which surprised Lew. I told him that I would have said "lower" if it had just been the two of us playing. But I wanted to go "higher" than my mother's guess. So I decided to keep things simple.

Lew said, "So you're throwing the game." Yup.

We ended up seeing 15 motorcycles.

Ha ha! Another victory for me. And I wasn't even trying.

I may have to retire from playing this game. It's just getting to be too easy.

(Postscript: I told Lew to blame my mother for his loss.)

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