Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Dad 152: Mowing and Mosquitoes

(I've often wondered if a nice rock garden would be a good alternative to grass. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! 'Tis a beautiful day in the Northeast. The next few days are supposed to be rainy, at best. That is the word of the experts. Are they accurate? Only time will tell.

I usually write my blog in the morning so my editor can post it at her leisure. Today, however, I spent the early morning until about 2:30 PM outdoors doing various chores. The major accomplishment was mowing the lower 40. It sure does look good freshly mowed (even though the majority of the lawn was fashioned from a hayfield).

After mowing I was able to kill some weeds and grass with Roundup. I would like to use Roundup on the whole lawn. This would mean no more mowing. (Sounds like a good solution to me.) But I won't spray the whole lawn. I only control unwanted grass and weeds that grow in places not supposed to have the greens. I'll keep mowing weekly until the lawn dries up. I'm hoping soon.

Well the weather finally dried out and allowed the landscape company to spray our yard for mosquitoes. Three more sprayings to come. We've been spraying for several years now and it seems to help. Years ago I had a vegetable garden. As I would go to the garden during the day to perform chores, my bare legs would be completely hidden by monstrous mosquitoes. Although I no longer have a large garden, I can walk around in shorts without being bitten by our state bird. I now only give blood at the Red Cross! Seems to make sense.

Summer seems to be coming as our air conditioners have been installed. A few years ago we never used the ACs. However, last week the temps closed in on the high 90s, so we were quick to react to the weather. Now, if we need the cooling, we have it.

Derf's garage refrigerator is now operating for the summer. It is well stocked with soda, water, and ice cream novelties. Hopefully it will get used frequently in the near future. Everyone is welcome to partake!

Still asking for prayers for sister Jean. She still struggles in hopes to be operated on in about one month. The road has been tough. Thanks for your prayers.

I hope this was slightly better than last week. I'll continue trying to improve. The future looks promising!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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