Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dad 155: Thunderous Stormy Nights

(Note to weathervane: Please start turning... and soon. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! Another warm, humid day in the Northeast. It seems every day brings a thunderstorm. Predictions remain the same throughout the remainder of the week. Certainly lights up the night sky and causes real loud noises. Last night even caused a two hour power outage. Luckily I have a battery-powered radio and was able to listen to the Red Sox thump the Colorado Rockies. Missed the television coverage. Hope tonight will be better. Last two days in the 90s. Today only in the 80s. We are on a cooling trend. Thanks!

Sister Deb should arrive today to spend the summer at her cottage in Old Orchard Beach. Have a feeling she will be spending time with us the next few days as she is not a fan of thunderstorms. Her trip from Florida via Indianapolis and Pittsburgh will be completed today.

Sister Jean is still struggling as she attempts to improve her lifestyle. A scheduled operation is set for July 22. Please keep the prayers coming. This will be a critical step in her rehab. I'll keep you posted. Thanks!

Hope to get the walk-behind mower back in the next couple days. The trimming need is growing quickly, caused by the frequent showers. Must get my weed whacker running. Can't afford to let the meadow get ahead of me.

Front yard garden is growing. Some plants are good, others not so good. Lew has some radishes to eat.

Noticed this week my weathervane seems to be not turning in the wind as it is supposed to do. It looks like I'll have to structure my engineered ladder mechanism to get on the roof to repair it once again. I'll plan on spending my birthday for the third year in a row repairing my weathervane. Hoping it starts turning on its own. Probably not going to happen! Shucks!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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