Sunday, February 17, 2013

Hardcore Friends

Some good church friends moved about a year and a half ago. They still live in Maine -- about an hour's drive from us -- but it's far enough away that they began going to a different church.

We still make an effort to see each other. In fact, Julie went with me to see Les Miserables a few weeks ago. We made plans at that point to try to have lunch at Cracker Barrel soon.

The Cracker Barrel lunch was subsequently scheduled for today.

We woke up to snow and heavy winds. As Lew and I were driving to church, we figured we might have to reschedule with our friends. They were the ones with the long drive to our lunch place.

Partway through our church service we looked up to see our friends walking in! Their own service had been cancelled so they decided to drive up and join ours.... They got a chance to see quite a few "old" friends today!

Lunch was scrumptious. We had a great visit. Everyone got home safely.

It was a wonderful day!

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