Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Dad 138: Nielsen Ratings 'R Us

(Three things: 1. The rain has turned to snow. 2. Two dollars is correct. 3. Enjoy Dad's post! -- Tracy)

Derf Here! From the snow-covered Northeast. Today, however, it is just raining along the coast. Perhaps we'll get the snow this afternoon. Hope not! Weatherman said it could be heavy. We'll see.

Well, as I see it, the weather inland must be snow. All schools just west of the coastline are off today. The prediction is up to one foot of the white stuff. Hope it doesn't make the coast. We have had enough already! About 8 feet so far this winter. Last year we had less than 3 feet. And most of it before Christmas. This certainly is not like last winter. And I, for one, am ready for spring to arrive. Everyone out and about that I talk with agree with me. TURN OFF THE SNOW MACHINES! PLEASE! There, that should solve our snow problems. I'll let you know what happens weatherwise next week. Stay tuned!

How many out there have heard of the Nielsen ratings for television viewing? Well, about a week ago we participated in this process. Tracy brought us the necessary items to fill out. So for one solid week we kept track of all television shows we watched. We had to keep a record of the shows on both televisions. It was quite a project. We were very careful to show who watched what, when, channel number, etc. Now when we see the Nielsen ratings, we can relate to the "how and where" they came from. If I'm not mistaken, I think Tracy was paid for the participation. I believe the outrageous fee was two dollars. What a deal!

I filled up both our car and pickup yesterday in preparation for the big storm. The gas price was the highest I've ever seen here in Maine. It was $3.80 per gallon. Just think, I remember when we paid around 25 cents per gallon. I must admit that was a while ago. I'm not sure those were the good old days, but I certainly liked the gas prices back then.

More on my Diet Pepsi to water change coming next week!

I am having trouble coming up with something to write to continue the blog. I'm not doing well so I'll quit for today.

Still requesting prayers for sister Jean as she continues to recover from recent surgery. All thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Thanks again! They make a difference!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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