Friday, June 16, 2017

Learned My Lesson

I titled this post Learned My Lesson, but perhaps I should have called it I Hope I Learned My Lesson. I really shouldn't boast until I know how this current situation ends.

The situation I am referring to is a stiff neck. I have a little bit of one at the moment. I still made it to work today, but I'm getting ready to go to bed and relax and rest.

The lesson I am referring to pertains to the last time I remember having a stiff neck. (It was more severe than what I am currently experiencing,) I tried to keep up with my daily routine. When I went to my doctor the second time, he put his foot down. He prescribed a strong dose of Valium and told me that I would be taking the next few days off. And after five days of non-participation in life, my neck did finally get better.

I am not going to allow my current stiff neck to turn into another Valium-requiring episode....

Have I really learned how to relax?

Stay tuned!

And have a good night.  ðŸ˜Š

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