Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Starting the Day Over

Today I decided to wear a long winter coat that I've had for almost 30 years. (It's in wonderful condition and I got lots of compliments on it.) I made this decision right before leaving for work.

There were no gloves in the coat pockets, so I had to grab some out of the drawer. I then changed my mind about what scarf to wear, so I needed to run back upstairs to get the one I wanted.

It was pandemonium, but I finally made it out the door.

When I got to work I started my "I-just-got-to-work" routine. This consists of (among other things) taking my cell phone and my computer glasses out of my purse. I got the cell phone out and put it on its little stand. I got my computer glasses out....

Uh, wait....

I did not get the computer glasses out because I had left them at home. Bummer.

I tried to work on my computer anyway, but I made a silly mistake on the first thing I did. Fortunately it was not a crucial error.

Then I tried to change the details of a journal entry before I even made the journal entry. (Don't ask.)

Suffice it to say, I was very disoriented without the computer glasses.

After 30 minutes of suffering, I realized what I had to do. Fortunately my work and my home are not too far apart.

I've learned my lesson: Glasses before coats, gloves, and scarfs!

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