Saturday, January 28, 2017

Lew's Logbook: New Church

(Lew writes today!  ~  Tracy)

The brother of a long-time dear friend is the general contractor for a new church building that is under construction in South Portland. Taking advantage of the relationship, I asked if I could get a tour of the project.

I believe I am safe in saying there has never been a church building of this size and scope in Maine. This building will have a 1,500- to 1,600-seat sanctuary, an indoor soccer field, a full-size basketball court, a very large children’s indoor play area with top of the line equipment, and a hospitality/food area. Add to all of this offices, A/V rooms, storage areas, and locker rooms. This place is huge!

The thinking behind all of this is to have a church building that is a seven-day-a-week facility which doubles as a community center. Maine is well outside the Bible Belt, so to see something of this size being built here is very exciting.

God is always at work.

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