Saturday, February 1, 2014


I love a good quote.  When I see one, I make note of it.  I either clip it from the magazine, write it down myself, print it off from an e-mail, etc. -- whatever I have to do to save it.

You can imagine what happened over time.  Little pieces of paper mixed with big pieces of paper.  Scattered from here to there.  Quotes all over the place!

In my effort to become more organized, I tried to gather all of these quotes in one place a few months ago.  I typed them all into a Word document and now I just have to look there.  When I find another one that I like, I just add it to the same file.  (Sometimes there is still a little piece of paper as a temporary "keeper of the quote" until I have time to type it in.)

I just added a couple quotes to my file yesterday.  Here's one:

“The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.”
~  Hans Hoffman

I appreciate this quote because I want to be able to simplify.  It's making me think.

(Postscript:  Here's hoping for a Broncos win tomorrow!)

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