Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Winter Olympics Preview

The 2014 Olympics began today.  According to my web research, there have already been some qualifying rounds in team figure skating, ladies' moguls (a freestyle skiing event), and men's and ladies' slopestyle (a snowboard event).  I must admit that I am interested in none of these.

I used to enjoy the figure skating, but I no longer like the subjective nature of it.

I don't ski at all, and I find watching a person ski down a hill to be somewhat tedious.

And snowboarding?  Um, I'm not excited about that one at all.  I think I may be too old to appreciate it.  Or at least too much of a fuddy-duddy.

The opening ceremony isn't until tomorrow night.  Actually, it begins at 11:00 a.m. EST, but won't be aired by NBC until primetime.  I dislike the tape-delay aspect of the Olympics.  I don't care that much about the opening ceremony, but it's a disappointment for the sporting events.  (Perhaps some events will be aired live on the different NBC cable networks, but I don't know.  I haven't researched the time difference yet.)

I do hope to watch some of the curling.  It looks like a sport that I could maybe even do myself.  But I probably won't ever try it.  (Fuddy-duddy.)

I greatly prefer the Summer Olympics.

And that is all I have to say about that.  For now.

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