Saturday, February 15, 2014

No Words....

This has been quite the day.

Lew and I went to a memorial service this morning for our dear Emily's maternal grandmother. We didn't know "Nannie" very well, but her beautiful legacy lives on in her lovely granddaughter. Rest in Peace, Nannie!

By the time we arrived home, it was snowing in full force. But now (a few hours later) it's coming down in even greater force. It's supposed to snow all night. It's been quite the winter. Too. Much. Snow.

I titled this post "No Words...." because I can't adequately describe an exchange I had with someone late this afternoon. And I am allowed "no words" now anyway, because the person blocked me on Facebook! (That is always a great way to clear up misunderstandings.... NOT!) I am at peace with my own part in this, so I will rest in that. Nothing more I can do.

Lew and I topped off our day with a Tom Selleck movie, and now it's time for some quiet reading.

This really has been quite the day.

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