Friday, July 5, 2013

A Bathing Suit Record

So it might not really be a record, but I have hand-washed my bathing suit two days in a row. This is significant because I do not typically make great efforts to model my bathing suit.

I never did swim in the lake yesterday, but my bathing suit certainly needed a good rinsing. Reason: Eli....

1) I picked him up a few times when he was covered with sand.

2) I was holding him while he ate a cupcake. He is not a neat cupcake eater. Not at all.

3) I was also holding him while he ate some crackers. When someone gave him a carrot, he placed the dip-laden crackers on my shoulder. (I also later became a table for the carrot!)

Today was a very different bathing-suit-wearing adventure: Lew and I went over to the home of our breakfast buddies and enjoyed some time in their pool. It was H-O-T outside, so the pool was refreshing. And Carole even made dinner for us!

A wonderful two days. :)

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