Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Dad 603: Quarantine Completed!

(Dad writes today! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Another bright, cold winter day in the Northeast. Temps have climbed into the thirties. Single digits almost every night, then up to the twenties and thirties for the afternoon. Lucky for us, the snow is not a factor. I'm sure we'll get snow in the next six to eight weeks. But I'm not asking for it, believe me!

I've completed my COVID quarantine and am ready to get surgery in two days to remove the small toe on my left foot. I was able to see Lou yesterday in her room for the first time in a couple weeks, and we had a good visit. I'm looking forward to visiting her again today shortly.

Waiting for a 4:00PM presidential news conference. I believe he will have to answer follow-up questions. It will be interesting. I will let you know next week what I think of the president's conference.

So much for today!

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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