Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Lost Weekend

I had a bit of a relapse regarding my cold, so this was another weekend of doing pretty much nothing. I had a few accomplishments, though: did laundry, finished reading a book, watched sports, ate a lot ("feed a cold"). So I guess the weekend wasn't completely lost.

I was really sad after watching Josh's football game yesterday. Maine Maritime lost a heartbreaker. Debbie and Glen told me today that although the loss "stung," the team is over it and ready to move on to the next game.

Of note: It was wonderful to be able to stream Josh's game. Dad, Mom, Lew, and I all watched it together on my folks' TV... connected the iPad to it, and voila! We also streamed the U.Maine game last night. Black Bears lost, too. Oh, well.

We've been keeping up with the U.S. Open tennis tournament, which is in its final set as I type this. I had hoped to watch until the end, but I have to get to sleep early!

Here's to good health for the week ahead....


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