Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Welcome to My Beach

I took a couple vacation days last week (Thursday and Friday) and the weather cooperated quite nicely. Beach walks both days!

After our walk on Friday, Lew and I were standing at our vehicle when I noticed a young mother and her three small children making their way back to their car. The oldest child was a boy (maybe about six years old) and the younger two were twin girls (probably between three and four years old).

The mom was carrying one of the girls and the other two children were behind her, dragging various beach items. They were making very slow progress, with a lot of "stop" and "go" (mostly "stop").

I ran over to see if they wanted any help. I offered to pull the little girl's load, but the little girl refused and ran closer to her mother.

The mom said, "Thanks, but we're almost to the car. They are just tired and cranky!"

I made eye contact with the little girl who had run from me and I asked her, "Did you have fun at the beach today?"

She nodded. Then she took a few steps toward me and said, "Thank you for letting me come!"

I told her, "You are very welcome! I'm so glad you could come today!"

The mom and I shared a laugh as we parted ways.

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