Monday, July 17, 2017

The Game That Might Not End

Lew rode his motorcycle to its new owner's home early Saturday evening. The Red Sox had a late afternoon game against the Yankees that day, and the game was almost over when Lew left.

Oh, wait.... I need to change that last part.... it appeared the game was almost over when Lew left.

The Red Sox were ahead 1-0 going into the top of the 9th inning. The Yankee's lead-off batter hit a homerun to tie up the game. The Red Sox ended up losing seven innings later. Lew had been home for quite a while by then.

For the past couple days I have been singing a song in my head about the nature of baseball. The tune is to The Song That Never Ends, with the lyrics adapted by me:
This is the game that might not end. It could go on and on, my friend. Baseball fans started watching it, aware of what it was. They knew they could be watching it forever just because.... This is the game that might not end. It could go on and on, my friend. Baseball fans started watching it, aware of what it was. They knew they could be watching it forever just because.... This is the game that might not end. It could go on and on, my friend. Baseball fans started watching it, aware of what it was. They knew they could be watching it forever just because.... This is the game that might not end. It could go on and on, my friend. Baseball fans started watching it, aware of what it was. They knew they could be watching it forever just because.... This is the game that might not end. It could go on and on, my friend. Baseball fans started watching it, aware of what it was. They knew they could be watching it forever just because.... This is the game that might not end. It could go on and on, my friend. Baseball fans started watching it, aware of what it was. They knew they could be watching it forever just because.... This is the game that might not end. It could go on and on, my friend. Baseball fans started watching it, aware of what it was. They knew they could be watching it forever just because.... This is the game that might not end.... 
Well, you get the point.

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