Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Dad 192: Yesterday All My Phone Calls Seemed So Far Away

(Spring has been teasing us, but Old Man Winter is not leaving without a fight. I am not amused. Enjoy Dad's post! ~ Tracy)

Derf Here! Just waiting for another winter storm to hit us here in the Northeast. If all goes according to plan, we'll get less than 6 inches along the coast (mixed with sleet and rain) while over 12 inches will cover the more northern areas. Must admit the last two days have had a hint of spring. Refreshing, to say the least.

Well, yesterday Spouse and I had our six month cleaning and checkup at our dentist's office. Spouse has teeth like granite so she always comes through the checkups with flying colors. I, on the other hand, always wonder what will be found to repair. Yesterday was a wonderful day. Our next appointment will be next September for both of us. Whew!

I mentioned here before that I have been a blood donor for many years. I donate in the Portland donor center, which is around 10 miles or less from home. For years I could call Portland and make arrangements to donate. A while back, they changed the process and now I must call the Red Cross. Yesterday I became eligible to give again. So I called the Red Cross and told them I'd like an appointment to give my usual donation of "double red." ("Double red" allows me to give 6 pints a year while only visiting the donor center three times a year. It cuts my donor dates in half while giving the same amount.) The man I talked to was surprised to see I had given over 20 gallons of blood. He arranged an appointment for me and then I asked him where he was located. He answered, "Arizona." To donate blood within 10 miles of my home I called the western U.S. (Sensible, I'm not sure.) I did tell him that we were expecting another storm. He told me he wouldn't hurt my feelings by mentioning his weather.

Busy day yesterday. I received a notice with the headline that this was my "final billing" notice for our long-term health care. I wondered if we were about to lose our insurance as we reached a certain age. (I know this is how term insurance works.) Well I was happy to find out that my latest payment was a week late in arriving. All seems to be well and our long-term care is intact. (Thanks!) I was talking to a man in Texas. I told him we were awaiting another storm. He told me it was 83° in Texas. I told him to get off my phone. We told each other to have a good day and then parted ways. Cordially, I might add.

Enough about my busy Tuesday.

Bring on the storm.

Until next time!

Toodle Pip!


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