Saturday, August 29, 2020

Two New Household Items

 Lew and I recently purchased an iron and a bathroom scale. We ordered both on Amazon.

The old iron was making funny noises after using it. The new iron arrived today, and Lew has already tested it out. He's very happy with it. He also announced, "I never liked that old iron." This was news to me! We had that iron for over 15 years. I asked him why he didn't get a new one earlier, and he said he couldn't justify buying a new one while the old one still worked. I now will point out that Lew is the only one who irons regularly. The wrinkled look is okay by me!

As for the bathroom scale, it lost one of its light-up-bar-thingies in the display (what are those called?) and a new battery didn't fix the problem. When our new digital scale arrived, Lew tested it against the old one. His weight on the old scale was 0.7 pound less than his weight on the new scale. Close enough, although I like the old scale's measure better, ha ha! But the new scale is pretty slick, and it cost us only $16.83.

A good thing about both of these purchases is that we were able to follow the guideline of "one thing in, one thing out" for our belongings. I guess it helped that the "one thing out" didn't work properly!

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