Thursday, October 3, 2019

No Cavities, No Flu

This morning I used some personal time at work so I could go to the dentist. No cavities, although I do need to do a better job brushing the back of my teeth in three of the four quadrants. (The only one I have been doing okay with is the top left, which makes sense because I am right-handed.) The hygienist told me she has to get after many, many patients for this same problem. She also said that relative to others, I don't do so bad! But still, I need to do better because I want to make my hygienist proud... as well as have healthy teeth.

Then I went to the post office to purchase some stamps, after which I stopped at Walgreens for my annual flu shot. The best thing about the flu shot was the red band-aid with the Walgreens "W" on it. Even though nobody could see it on my arm, I knew it was there. (I have no picture to share with you because I've already removed it and thrown it out.) But there is something that could replace the band-aid as the best thing:  not getting the flu!

Here's to good health!

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