Thursday, October 31, 2019

Boo! :)


Happy Halloween! No costume for me this year, but I did eat lots of candy these past few days. Really healthy eating, ha ha!

Lew and I managed to stay awake until the end of the baseball game last night. Congratulations to the Washington Nationals on winning the World Series!

I've stopped to visit Mom for a few minutes every night on my way home from work. Today she told me she had to look at a big bee on the wall for a long time. I thought she meant bee, like an insect. But she meant the letter "B" which was on a piece of paper taped to her wall. (I guess it was supposed to help with her dizziness.) She was still waiting on her dinner when I left tonight. She said they were going to "make her" sit in a chair to eat. (She's been eating while sitting in her bed.) I think it's good she'll sit in a chair. That's progress.

Trick or Treat! Smell my feet! Give me something good to eat!  😋

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