Friday, October 18, 2019

An Incorrect Theory

I played a game on my cell phone while watching the third game of the ALCS earlier this week. I wanted the Astros to beat the Yankees, and they did! It must have been because I was diligent in playing my game. I am not superstitious, but I am willing to do my part.

Last night was the fourth game. I couldn't stay up until the end of it, and I was concerned about letting the Astros down. But they still won.

That brings us to today... a Friday. I stayed up until the bitter end of the game, faithfully playing my game while rooting for the Astros to pull it out. It wasn't meant to be, though. They lost, 4-1. I guess I really have nothing to do with whether they win or not.

The Astros remain ahead in the best-of-seven series, 3-2. They are heading back to Houston, which will hopefully work in their favor. (Best wishes, Astros!) Perhaps I will still play my game while watching, just in case....

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